I am a Research Assistant Professor in Ecosystem Services and Social-Ecological System Science at the Department of Biological Sciences at Idaho State University. I am an ecosystem services ecologist with a broad interest in conservation biology, particularly looking at the links between the conservation of natural systems and the maintenance of human wellbeing. My research interest focuses on the characterization of social-ecological systems, and the multidimensional assessment of ecosystem services. On one hand, I use existing GIS and ecological models such as InVEST or ARIES to quantify the biophysical capacity of ecosystems to provide services (supply side). On the other hand, I use social sciences to conduct samplings in order to understand people´s perceptions and preferences to characterize the social demand of ecosystem services. To do so, I consider the diverse ecosystem services values, both ecological and sociocultural and economic. My ultimate goal is to characterize tradeoffs and synergies between ecosystem services in order to understand the complex dynamics of coupled natural and human systems.

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