Vaughn, Caryn C. 2017. Ecosystem services provided by freshwater mussels. Hydrobiologia. DOI 10.1007/s10750-017-3139-x
Castro, Antonio J., Caryn C. Vaughn, Jason P. Julian and Maria Garcia Llorente. 2016. Social demand of ecosystem services for watershed management. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12379.
Castro, Antonio J., Caryn C. Vaughn, Marina Garcia-Llorente, Jason P. Julian and Carla L. Atkinson. 2016. Willingness to pay for ecosystem services among stakeholder groups in a south-central U.S. watershed with regional conflict. Journal of Water Resource Planning and Management 142:05016006.
Vaughn, Caryn C., Carla L. Atkinson and Jason P. Julian. 2015. Drought-induced changes in flow regimes lead to long-term losses in mussel-provided ecosystem services. Ecology and Evolution 5:1291-1305.
Gates, Kiza K., Caryn C. Vaughn and Jason P. Julian. 2015. Developing environmental flow recommendations for freshwater mussels using the biological traits of species guilds. Freshwater Biology doi:10.1111/fwb.12528.
Castro, Antonio J., Caryn C. Vaughn, Jason P. Julian, Marina Garcia Llorente and Kelsey N. Bowman. 2015. Social perception and supply of ecosystem services – a watershed approach for carbon related ecosystem services. Biodiversity in Ecosystems – Linking Structure and Function. Yueh-Hsin Lo, Juan A. Blanco and Shovonlal Roy, editors.ISBN 978-953-51-2028-5.
Atkinson, Carla L., Jason P. Julian and Caryn C. Vaughn. 2014. Species and function lost: role of drought and land cover structuring stream communities. Biological Conservation 176:30-38.
Allen, Daniel C., Heather S. Galbraith, Caryn C. Vaughn and Daniel E. Spooner. 2013. A tale of two rivers: implications of water management practices for mussel biodiversity outcomes during droughts. Ambio 42:881-891.
Heather S. Galbraith, Daniel E. Spooner, Caryn C. Vaughn. 2010. Synergistic effects of regional climate patterns and local water management on freshwater mussel communities. Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 1175–1183